state assets美 [steɪt ˈæsets] 国有资产网络释义专业释义短语reorganization of state assets 国有资产重组National State Assets Administration Bureau 国家国有资产管理局state assets operation 国资运营This made it urgent for us to deepen the state assets systemmanagement.这就使得继续深化国有资产管理体制的改革成为当务之急。双语例句权威例句Where there are losses to the State assets, they shall be responsible for the compensation. 造成财产损失的,应负赔偿责任;State Assets Administration Committee Capital Administration; Financial Early Warning; Report analysis. 国资委资产监管;财务预警;报表分析。The company's balance sheet was found to be inaccurate, hiding much larger than reported losses, with weak management and a serious loss of state assets. 公司的资产负债表被发现是错误的,藏加大的超过报告损失,借由弱的管理和一个州资产的严重损失。每天分享外语知识,请点击 【关注】,不漏掉任何一期,助你提高外语水平。【讯驰外语】可乐老师 编辑。转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。码字不易,敬请【点赞】!My
英语说文解字 state assets国有资产
作者:讯驰外语xinchi 来源: 今日头条专栏 75812/21
state assets美 [steɪt ˈæsets] 国有资产网络释义专业释义短语reorganization of state assets 国有资产重组National State Assets Administration Bur
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