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作者:数字化转型网官方 来源: 头条号 21207/12

环境、社会和公司治理又称为ESG(Environmental, Social and Governance),从环境、社会和公司治理三个维度评估企业经营的可持续性与对社会价值观念的影响。数字化转型网对于上市公司来说,发布公司财务绩效之外的环


环境、社会和公司治理又称为ESG(Environmental, Social and Governance),从环境、社会和公司治理三个维度评估企业经营的可持续性与对社会价值观念的影响。数字化转型网








Environmental, Social and corporate Governance, also known as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), assesses the sustainability of business operations and their impact on social values from the three dimensions of environmental, social and corporate governance.数字化转型网

For listed companies, the publication of environmental, social and governance (ESG) thematic reports beyond the company's financial performance is an effective way to communicate sustainability issues with regulators and a wide range of stakeholders.

In China, with the national concept of sustainable development gaining popularity and the continuous promotion of the "two-carbon" strategy, the domestic capital market has increasingly paid attention to ESG (environmental, social and governance).数字化转型网

Listed companies actively strengthen the practice of ESG concept, and the investment around ESG has become a major development trend. After experiencing the "black swan" of the epidemic in 2020, global investors have paid more attention to issues such as climate, environment and social responsibility, and sustainable investment ESG has become the mainstream investment trend in the current financial market.数字化转型网

ESG system mainly includes three dimensions: ESG information disclosure policy, ESG evaluation and rating, and ESG investment, among which ESG information disclosure policy is the basis for ESG rating and ESG investment. At present, a number of international organizations have issued ESG information disclosure principles.数字化转型网

These ESG information disclosure standards are the methodological basis and action guide for enterprises to conduct ESG governance practices and information disclosure, the logical basis for investment and evaluation institutions to carry out ESG investment and evaluation, and the decision-making reference for government departments to formulate and implement ESG related policies and conduct supervision.数字化转型网

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来源:头条号 作者:数字化转型网官方03/15 16:08
